project (09)


The concept of "aura" in art invites us to delve into the essence of uniqueness and authenticity, prompting us to question the nature of uniqueness itself and its significance within the broader context of artistic expression.

At its core, uniqueness is a multifaceted concept that extends beyond mere physical distinctions. While factory-produced items may lack the individuality we associate with traditional forms of art, they nonetheless possess inherent qualities that set them apart from one another. Just as each human being is unique despite sharing common biological components, manufactured objects bear traces of their own distinctiveness, albeit in a more subtle form.

Consider, for instance, the raw materials comprising human beings or PET bottles. While these ingredients may be nearly identical, we know you and I are different and unique. It is our individual experiences and interactions with the world that imbue us and the objects we encounter with unique qualities. Thus, acknowledging the uniqueness within ourselves prompts a recognition of the uniqueness inherent in factory-produced works.

Even if created using the same methods and materials, the inherent diversity of human perception ensures that each individual views and experiences objects differently. This intrinsic subjectivity imbues even the most commonplace items with an aura of uniqueness, much like the distinctive qualities found within each stone on a street.

Indeed, it is our experiences and interactions that infuse objects with their aura.  aura does not come from  us, but something that is made from us.

The uniqueness and aura of an object are not inherent properties but rather emerge through our engagement and interpretation. For example, consider how two individuals may perceive and interact with the same plastic bottle in entirely different ways, thereby bestowing upon its distinct auras.

Ultimately, our ability to perceive and appreciate the aura of objects depends on our willingness to actively engage with them. Passively accepting things without consideration stifles the potential for discovering their inherent uniqueness and beauty. Thus, by embracing our individual experiences and perspectives, we unlock the aura within ourselves and the world around us.

© Yeri Jun
Copyrighted 2021