project (04)


When I first changed my perspective from a Journalist to a Visualist, I noticed a drastic change in how I see the world. Before, most things were positioned based on context, ideas, and meanings. Once I set myself as a designer, I started to see things in forms, shapes, and layers: visuals.

The perspective helped me see scenes in fragments. Fragments from objects, space, and figures were very interesting. Obviously, the shape itself was already interesting due to its unexpectedness. What made them more engaging was their independence from the spatial context. As I take out words from a sentence or a paragraph, I notice I could sort them in many different ways.


1. I took some photos.
2. I broke them down into layers.
3. I traced out the shapes of each spatial layers.
4. I placed each particle on a blank canvas.
5. I sorted them with a separate hierarchy system.
Layers Depiction (overall stage)

take (01)

take (02)

take (03)

take (04)

take (05)

take (06)

take (07)

take (08)

Final Asset Sets

© Yeri Jun
Copyrighted 2021