project (06)
People use 16,000 words a day. We feel like words are magicallypopping up in our heads, but in fact I believe there is a tre-mendous mechanism being invoked that is invisible at the moment. This mechanism depends on the individual's experi-ence and inclination. Everyone has every different definition of every word.
I wanted to show this process visually. I believe this will be anopportunity to share the universe in our heads. Moreover, through technology, I can create the interaction between me and others.
I wanted to show this process visually. I believe this will be anopportunity to share the universe in our heads. Moreover, through technology, I can create the interaction between me and others.

Since this work is done digitally, I think people
will easily lose their attention. However,as the topic is a mechanism of word choice, people have to focus on the text and read it more carefully.
So I borrowed the behavior of reading when we followed the sentence with our fingers when we focused on reading. You can read hidden sentences only by moving the mouse slowly and reading it carefully.
And when all the hidden writing was revealed, I hid some words once again. Here I expect people to infer hidden words. Sometimes we can experience my hate becomes love to someone.

After inferring the words in the blank, click the blank you want to know the answer.
Then there will be 5 related key word pop up. And I let people click on each word as close to their definition of ‘word’. I used motion and color to visually express the degree of suitability of each word given by people.
After that, I made a code to draw a map by comparing the suitability of five words. If the difference is not big between the words, the map is divided vertically, and if it is large difference, the map is divided horizontally.
Everyone gets a map of their definition of ‘word’.
