project (09)

Project  '住' - bedding

Rooted in my background in journalism, I specialize in transforming raw data into visual narratives that transcend traditional communication boundaries. I explore how context shapes our understanding of visual phenomena. My work seeks to unlock the multidimensional meaning inherent in data and transcend traditional communication boundaries and inspire meaningful dialogue and discovery.

The project aims to reveal that our behavioral patterns are not only a reflection of our life but also an expression of our unique artistic style. It prompts reflection on our journey from mundane existence to artistic expression, inviting viewers to ponder their own role in the tapestry of life. We are raised like pigs fed with feed if we live for a simple personal or functional purpose. However, by gaining deeper experiences through understanding and imagination, we can achieve freedom as subjects of life. When we do not live merely to exist, life becomes art, and we, as the subjects of life, show the potential to become artists. The question posed to the audience is profound: "Would you be a pig or an artist?"

An interactive tableware and bedding responsive to behavioral patterns with real-time visuals.


Sensors integrated into a duvet and a plate capture behavioral primitive data, revealing our subconscious thoughts and imaginings. I seek to prompt reflection on our journey from mundane existence to artistic expression, inviting viewers to ponder their own role in the tapestry of life.


As the audience engages with the installation by sleeping in the provided bed, they will stimulate their imagination and become conscious of capturing moments of art they might normally overlook. Real-time graphics generated by their behavioral data will be displayed, allowing participants to observe the visualization of their movements and sleep patterns. This dual-sensory engagement ensures a profound and memorable interaction with the artwork.

        real-time based graphic)


          screen shots)

Through these interactions, the audience becomes an integral part of the artwork, experiencing the process of becoming an artist themselves. This immersive experience reveals the art inherent in everyday activities, encouraging participants to discover the unique styles created by their behavioral patterns. The real-time aspect of the installation ensures that every interaction is unique, reflecting the individual’s subconscious thoughts and behaviors.

Furthermore, the project’s broader artistic significance lies in its challenge to traditional perceptions of art. By integrating advanced technology such as Arduino and sensors, it merges the realms of digital innovation and artistic expression. This fusion not only broadens the audience’s perception of what constitutes art but also provides a platform for underrepresented forms of artistic activity, making visible the often unseen and under-supported creative processes.



5-hour one-take sleeping video
© Yeri Jun
Copyrighted 2021